PLUS Series

The BMB PLUS Series is the most economical solution that runs on electricity. All of the products in the series use mostly the same filters and some of the sensors as our top of the line models. BMB PLUS incorporates a small booster pump on all of the models which results in increased daily output, higher flow rate and longer filter lifetime. There is an elegant LED lighted ON/OFF button as well as a separate LED activation when the system is producing water.

Self-standing, 4 filter reverse osmosis system with a high pressure pump for higher flow rate. Incorporates a pH stabilizer and nano zinc powder activated antibacterial filter.


Self-standing, 5 filter reverse osmosis system with a high pressure pump for higher flow rate. Incorporates a pH stabilizer, nano zinc powder activated antibacterial and Mineral filter for anti-aging water properties.


Self-standing, 5 filter reverse osmosis system with a high pressure pump for higher flow rate. Incorporates a pH stabilizer, nano zinc powder activated antibacterial and Detox filter for antitoxin water properties.


Self-standing, 5 filter reverse osmosis system with a high pressure pump for higher flow rate. Incorporates a pH stabilizer, nano zinc powder activated antibacterial and Oxygen filter for antioxidant water properties.


Self-standing, 5 filter reverse osmosis system with a high pressure pump for higher flow rate. Incorporates a pH stabilizer, nano zinc powder activated antibacterial and Alkaline filter for energizing water properties.


Self-standing, 6 filter, high pressure reverse osmosis system that incorporates a pH stabilizer, nano zinc powder activated antibacterial, Detox, and Alkaline filters for antitoxin and energizing water properties.


Self-standing, 6 filter, high pressure reverse osmosis system that incorporates a pH stabilizer, nano zinc powder activated antibacterial, Oxygen, and Alkaline filters for antioxidant and energizing water properties.


Self-standing, 8 filter, high pressure reverse osmosis system with a pH stabilizer and nano zinc antibacterial, Mineral, Detox, Oxygen and Alkaline filters for anti-aging, antitoxin, antioxidant and energizing water properties.