ECO Series

The BMB ECO Series is an economical solution to water purification needs in your home. All of the products in the series use mostly the same filters as our top of the line models. However, the series uses a bare-bones approach to hardware where only the essential parts are included. The series is a good choice if you are not willing to give up on the water quality, but willing to settle for no sensors, lower daily output, lower flow rate and shorter filter lifetime.
bmb nano deneme 2

BMB Nano is one of the smallest full functioning reverse osmosis systems in the world. The 4 filter system incorporates a pH stabilizer and nano zinc powder activated antibacterial filter.

BMB-10 ana resim 2

Self standing, steel bracket mounted, 4 filter reverse osmosis system that incorporates a pH stabilizer and nano zinc powder activated antibacterial filter.

BMB-10 +Alkali ana resim 24

Self-standing, 5 filter reverse osmosis system that incorporates a pH stabilizer, nano zinc powder activated antibacterial filter and Mineral filter for anti-aging water properties.

BMB-10 +Detox ana resim 2

Self-standing, 5 filter reverse osmosis system that incorporates a pH stabilizer, nano zinc powder activated antibacterial filter and Detox filter for antitoxin water properties.

BMB-10 +Alkali +Oksijen ana resim 2

Self-standing, 5 filter reverse osmosis system that incorporates a pH stabilizer, nano zinc powder activated antibacterial filter and Oxygen filter for antioxidant water properties.

BMB-10 +Mineral ana resim 28

Self-standing, 5 filter reverse osmosis system that incorporates a pH stabilizer, nano zinc powder activated antibacterial filter and Alkaline filter for energizing water properties.

BMB-10 +Alkali +Detox ana resim 2

Self-standing, 6 filter reverse osmosis system that incorporates a pH stabilizer and nano zinc powder activated antibacterial, Alkaline and Detox filters for antitoxin and energizing water properties.

BMB-10 +Alkali +Oksijen ana resim 21

Self-standing, 6 filter reverse osmosis system that incorporates a pH stabilizer and nano zinc powder activated antibacterial, Alkaline, and Oxygen filters for antioxidant and energizing water properties.

BMB-10 Canavar ana resim 2

Self-standing, 8 filter reverse osmosis system with a pH stabilizer and nano zinc powder activated antibacterial, Mineral, Detox, Oxygen and Alkaline filters for anti-aging, antitoxin, antioxidant and energizing water properties.